Wednesday, January 30, 2019

iStar Workshop accepted at ER 2019

This year I'm organising the International Workshop of i* jointly to Joao Pimentel and Juan Pablo Carvallo. You can find the workshop details at iStar18 website.
This is the first time the workshop will be co-located to the  The International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER'19).
 ER 2019

1 comment:

  1. The iStar internation workshop extended the paper deadline to July 31st

    *** iStar 2019 FACT SHEET ***
    12th International i* Workshop (iStar 2019)
    - 6 pages,LNCS
    - proceedings by CEUR (open access)
    - co-located with 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2019)
    - held in Salvador/BA, Brasil
    - paper submission date: until July 31st
    - workshop date: November 4th
