Sunday, November 16, 2014

Paper published in Computación y Sistemas

Open Framework For Web Service Selection Using Multimodal and Configurable Techniques

Oscar Jair Cabrera Bejar, Marc Oriol Hilari, Xavier Franch, Jordi Marco, Lidia López, Olivia Fragoso, René Santaolaya

Abstract. Services as part of our daily life represent an important mean to deliver value to their consumers and have a great economic impact for organizations. The service consumption and their exponential proliferation show the importance and acceptance by their customers. In this sense, it is possible to predict that the infrastructure of future cities will be supported by different kind of services, such as, smart city services, open data services, as well as common services (e.g., e-mail services), etc. Nowadays a large percentage of services are provided on the Web commonly called web services (WS). This kind of services have become one the most used technologies in software systems. Among the challenges when integrating web services in a given system, requirements-driven selection occupies a prominent place. A comprehensive selection process needs to check compliance of Non-functional Requirements (NFR), which can be assessed by analyzing the Quality of Service (QoS). In this paper, we describe a framework called WeSSQoS that aims at ranking available WS based on the comparison of their QoS and the stated NFR. The framework is designed as an open Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) that hosts a configurable portfolio of normalization procedures and ranking algorithms that can be selected by users when starting a selection process. The QoS data from WS can be obtained either from a static, WSDL-like description, or dynamically through monitoring techniques. WeSSQoS is designed to work over multiple WS repositories and QoS sources. The impact of having a portfolio of different normalization and ranking algorithms is illustrated with an example.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

RISCOSS Convention 2014

The RISCOSS Convention held in OW2con14 in Paris. Gathering feedback from potential users.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Nomination for the Best Paper Award in ER 2014

Our paper Modelling and Applying OSS Adoption Strategies was nominated to the best paper award!!!

Friday, June 20, 2014

7th International i* Workshop

I've presented 2 papers in the 7th International i* Workshop (iStar 2014). It was  co-located with the 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE’14).

Applying Business Strategy Models in Organizations

Lidia López, Xavier Franch

AbstractIncreasing adoption of Open Source Software (OSS) in information system engineering has led to the emergence of different OSS business strate-gies that affect and shape organizations’ business models. In order to obtain the specific organizational model for a concrete organization that is adhering to a specific OSS business strategy, we need to instantiate the general knowledge included in this business strategy. This paper describe the process in which this general knowledge is instantiated and define a set of operations over i* models to implement the instantiation concept. Although conceived in the field of OSS, the approach is generalizable to any kind of business strategy.
Presentation on SlideShare

Quantifying the Impact of OSS Adoption Risks with the help of i* Models

Dolors Costal, Daniel Gross, Lidia López, Mirko Morandini, Alberto Siena, Angelo Susi

AbstractAdopting Open Source Software (OSS) components in organisational settings requires evaluating the possible impact of adoption decisions on business goals. Measures available in OSS, capturing indicators such as the quality of open source code and the activeness of the developing community, can be used as a driver to assess various risks

in component adoption. In this paper we illustrate how risk and impact models are used to relate measures obtained from the component under analysis to business goals in i* -based OSS business strategy models.
Presentation on SlideShare

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Paper accepted at 33rd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2014)

See you in Atlanta in October.

Modelling and Applying OSS Adoption Strategies 

Lidia López, Dolors Costal, Claudia P. Ayala, Xavier Franch, Ruediger Glott, Kirsten Haaland

AbstractIncreasing adoption of Open Source Software (OSS) in information system engineering has led to the emergence of different OSS business strategies that affect and shape organizations’ business models. In this context, organizational modeling needs to reconcile efficiently OSS adoption strategies with business strategies and models. In this paper, we propose to embed all the knowledge about each OSS adoption strategy into an i* model that can be used in the intentional modeling of the organization. These models describe the consequences of adopting one such strategy or another: which are the business goals that are supported, which are resources that emerge, etc. To this aim, we first enumerate the main existing OSS adoption strategies, next we formulate an ontology that comprises the activities and resources that characterise these strategies, then based on the experience of 5 industrial partners of the RISCOSS EU-funded project, we explore how these elements are managed in each strategy and formulate the corresponding model using the i* framework.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Col·loqui Llatí en Sistemes Open Source 2014

Conjuntament amb la 10a edició de la Conferència Internacional de Sistemes Open Source (OSS 2014)  es celebrarà la primera edició del Col·loqui Llatí en Sistemes Open Source (COLA 2014), on es poden enviar artícles en qualsevol llengua romànica, inclòs el català.

Mireu qui es la coordinadora de ponències en català :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Teaching Portfolio

I've make public my teaching portfolio referent to my period as a teacher in the Terrassa School of Engineering (EET) - from 2006 to 2012.

It is only available in Spanish for now, I hope I will mend this in the short-term future. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Workpackage leader

My role un the European project RISCOSS has change to work package leader for one of the scientific work packages. Concretely, the one responsible is modeling OSS ecosystems and OSS related risks. It is also reponsible of the definition of the ontology behind this project.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

First RISCOSS review successful!!!

First RISCOSS evaluation meeting took place in Brussels last Thursday and we passed the test.

From now no, the main obstacle that RISCOSS should face is the fact of creating a user network. RISCOSS needs to be used.

More details in the RISCOSS website.