Dolors Costal, Lidia López, Xavier Franch
Abstract. Increasing adoption of Open Source Software (OSS) in information
system engineering has led to the emergence of different OSS adoption strategies
that affect and shape organizations’ business models. OSS adoption strategies
can be operationalized by i* models describing the consequences of choosing
each strategy. When an organization decides to adopt an OSS component, it
becomes a part of the OSS ecosystem around this component. Therefore, OSS
adoption strategy models need to be structured in the way to explicitly describe
the role of the adopter organization within the OSS ecosystem, which may be
quite different depending on the level of compromise that the organization prefers.
Making visible the roles played by the different agents involved in the
OSS ecosystem, the involvement of the organization in the OSS community
arises naturally. This paper includes a set of roles that emerge in an OSS ecosystem
and their responsibilities, and describes the issues behind the fact of using
the i* role and plays constructs.