Applying Business Strategy Models in Organizations
Lidia López, Xavier Franch
Abstract. Increasing adoption of Open Source Software (OSS) in information system engineering has led to the emergence of different OSS business strate-gies that affect and shape organizations’ business models. In order to obtain the specific organizational model for a concrete organization that is adhering to a specific OSS business strategy, we need to instantiate the general knowledge included in this business strategy. This paper describe the process in which this general knowledge is instantiated and define a set of operations over i* models to implement the instantiation concept. Although conceived in the field of OSS, the approach is generalizable to any kind of business strategy.
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Quantifying the Impact of OSS Adoption Risks with the help of i* Models
Dolors Costal, Daniel Gross, Lidia López, Mirko Morandini, Alberto Siena, Angelo Susi
Abstract. Adopting Open Source Software (OSS) components in organisational settings requires evaluating the possible impact of adoption decisions on business goals. Measures available in OSS, capturing indicators such as the quality of open source code and the activeness of the developing community, can be used as a driver to assess various risks
in component adoption. In this paper we illustrate how risk and impact models are used to relate measures obtained from the component under analysis to business goals in i* -based OSS business strategy models.
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